Using designer paper for uses other than cards. Look what I used this Basic Grey Fruitcake designer paper for. I found flat clear 12 inch rulers at Staples yesterday when I was out shopping with Sarah. They just screamed for me to decorate them. My glue of choice for this project is Modge Podge. First I cut the 12x12 paper to the correct width. Next turned the ruler number side down (working on the back of the ruler) and coated it with a thin coat of Modge Podge using a wide flat paint brush. After placing the paper down on top of the glue I used a bone folder all over the paper to get any air bubbles out and to get a good seal on all the edges. Because the ruler is a bit longer than the 12x12 paper I had to cut another small piece of the paper and glue that down as well. After it was dry I took a sanding block to the edges so there wasn't any over hang of paper. Tip for sanding. You always want to sand in the same direction. Just like when filing your nails. By filing in one direction it keeps the paper strong and it won't come away from your project. Last thing to do was add a jumbo eyelet. I used my Crop-a-dile to attach it. Then added the ribbon. Click on the photo so you can see a larger image. Pretty cool!!!!
Wishing all my readers a very Happy New Year!!!! Taking the day off tomorrow. Be back blogging on Sunday.
Stamping Trails
Karen 204