I DID IT!!!! To date I have lost 22.5 pounds. I got weighed in today and I lost 4.6 pounds this past week. So since I lost another 10 pounds since my last blog candy it's time to post another round.
Winner will receive:
Basic Grey Ribbon pack, Tin from K & C filled with puzzle pieces (these have words on them), white brads, stamp with many different words on it, and two monkey cards made by me.
Just post a comment with words of encouragement by Sunday the 27th before 6 pm est. time. I'll post the winner on the blog, so you'll have to check back on Sunday to see if you won. Good Luck!!!!!
I'm so excited. I went to Fashion Bug yesterday after I came home from visiting mom and bought two new pair of Capri's. They were on sale and my pants are starting to fall off me. I lost a pant size. YAY I decided not to keep my larger clothes. These will be washed and given away. No way I'm going back up!!!! I won't need them.
Stamping Trails
Karen 251
Wow! I am so impressed. That is an amazing weight loss. Way to go and keep on going! I am stuggling with a few pounds I have put on since I lost 53 pounds 2 years ago. I know I can get them off, but it is so encouraging to hear of your weight loss. Thanks for the updates and the gracious blog candy!
Way to go that is a big loss in one week. What are you doing to lose the weight. It's hard when you craft is a sit down one. Keep up the good work. Don't buy to many new clothes you soon won't be able to wear them either. Sharon LeVine
Congratulations, it is an awesome achievement to lose weight. I hope you keep up the good work!
Congrats Karen, your doing fantastic on the weight loss. I found out when I lost weight that every 20 pounds you lose is a pant size. That helped me to want to lose down more to get to the size I wanted when I knew it took 20 pounds to go down a pant size.
Keep it up Karen your doing great. Very proud of you.
Angel hugs
You go girl. That is great and I know you will continue to succeed. Sounds like a good idea to give the clothes away. Now if I were there I would have altered them for you. Have fun with your new clothes and keep on loosing that weight. Have a good month. We are here to encourage you.
WTG! I've done WW and it really works...if I stay with it lol. Maybe I should think about stampin and scrappin instead of eating ;)
Woohoo, Karen, bravo to you! You are doing so great, remember to retake your daily points quiz. Drink lots of water this week and try to do 15 min. more of exercise each day to up your activity points. You can do this!!!
Congratulations on your diligence of your weight loss. Don't let a minor setback siderail you. Keep persevering and you will continue on your path. You have done extremely well. Wishing you continued success!
Oh, Congrats!!! I know first hand what an accomplishment it is and how much dedication it takes. I'm happy for you.
As for the blog candy-----ohhhhh pick me, pick me...LOL. I didn't order that monkey and now I'm wondering if I'm gonan have to. LOL
Kimberly in AZ
Way to go that is fantastic and a super HUGE lose in WW book for a weekly loss....WAY TO GO!
Check out the WW lunch box I made for DD. I think you will enjoy it.
Folder password = nettie
Posting this one for Margaret
I read about your weight loss on your Blog. I'm not sure how to respond to you on it so I'm trying this. I to am on weight wathchers. I've lost 67lbs and counting. I have been on the plan for about 1 and a half years. I still have about 30 pounds I'd like to lose. I have gone from a size 22 to a size 14. I turned 50 last week and hit my goal of being in a size 14 by my 50th birthday. I too got rid of all my cloths. I don't ever plan on getting that big again. I feel so much healthier. I try to walk about 4 days a week (between 2-3miles each day). That is what really started the weight loss for me. If I walked I kept losing. I am a school nurse and off for the summer and this summer I have managed to maintain my weight loss. I must admit I have been traveling and eatting alot of things I shouldn't so I figure if I've maintained I've done well. I just wanted to tell you keep on with the plan, it really works. I never thought about rewarding myself with stamping things I may have to try that for my next 30.
Keep on stamping and lossing!!!
Margaret Willson- O'Fallon,IL
Woooohooo! Congratulations!!! Dieting is THE hardest thing on earth to do successfully; you are rockin' it!!
Love your blog ... so much inspiration here!
Thanks for a chance to win your yummy candy!
~Hugs, Deb
debkneer at aol dot com
Would it be encouraging to you to know that you along with those leaving comments are motivating me? I am nearly 270 pounds and it is literally killing me. Add to that the bp meds and the Zoloft I take for depression and you get a zero level of drive. I so want to lose weight too.
My SIL has lost 45#s on WW and I know I have to get to the place where I can budget for it and go.
You are a blessing and I am going to be watching you! Yes, I am adding your blog to my reader so I won't miss.
BTW, you are invited to my blog http://artisticextras.blogspot.com/ where I have some no fat candy to be won at the moment too.
You go girl! I am thrilled for you!
Keep up the great work Karen. I know from experience that WW is a super program. Don't be discouraged if the weight loss slows, just try something different--like a different type of activity. Your body adjusts at certain points and you hit plateaus (sp?). That's normal. I'm really impressed in how much weight you've lost is a short amount of time. You DO have determination!!
Girl...that is just super! Congratulations on your success so far...I'm sure you'll do a great job from here on out, too!
Well doen with the weight loss. Thanks for the chance to win that blog candy and keep on losing!!
From one Karen to another -Congratulations!!!! Keep up the good work. You CAN do this!
WTG! I still haven't done anything with myself even though I want it for a while. I keep find excuses - that's why I appreciate you so much - you just DO it! Big time! Keep up the good work!
Woohoo!!! That's fantastic, Karen! You sure can do this well! Keep up the good work :)
CONGRATS! How exciting to see the results and going to a smaller size. Keep up the good work. I like your way of thinking and getting rid of your old clothes. Plus it gives you more room for your new skinny clothes. Thanks for a chance at your sweet celebration candy.
I am dieting here as well so I know how good it feels to see that we´re thinner :)
Keep up with!
Keep up the good work! we are all impressed by your dedication!
Way to go!!! You are doing fantastic. I have to weigh in today-- I bet you feel great.
Linda Peterson
Congratulations on your weight loss. I am so impressed with your sticking to it even when you didn't lose what you thought you should. I myself would keep one pair of pants, then if I became discouraged later on I would have a visual reminder of where I started and how much I truely had achieved already. jmniffer
Hi Karen, so glad that you are still doing well at weight loss. Congratulations! Praying for you and mommy - I'm so sorry she's been crying so much - hope she has calmed down some by now. We missed you.
Yeah, Karen! Congrats to you on your hard work. What an inspiration to all of us in Weightloss Kingdom :-) Keep it up!
Way to go! I just knew you were going to have a great week with all of your hard work and dedication you are well on your way to a halthy new you.
Way to go, Karen! Congratulations on losing more. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations!!!!! What a wonderful milestone! Fabulous pile of goodies to celebrate too!
An emphatic yay for you! Being a yo-yo dieter, I know how much the weight loss means to you and how good it makes you feel. Yay, yay, yay... keep up the good work!
Congrats to you! 4.6 lbs is a great week's work - you should be proud of yourself. So many people just can't stick with it, and you are doing it :)
Keep it up - thanks for sharing your journey with us!
Congrats on your loss!! That is so awesome. It's such a good feeling. I'm down 30...and it's so good to put on pants that you couldn't wear when you started..and today they are baggy!! Keep up the great work!!! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh wow, congratulations on the weight loss. You're Amazing!!
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