When I was at Hollo's last
weekend picking up envelopes
for my friend I saw these Solo
black cups, and I thought these
would make really cute Halloween
treat cups. I like them! Seeing how
they were so quick and easy to
make I'm going to do up a bunch of
them and give them to co-workers.
This darling purse I found at my
local Salvation Army store. Perfect to
carry for fall. Words on the bag....
Raking up is hard to do...
How adorable it that? The bag was
brand new still had the tags on it and
cost me 3.00. I just love the thrift store! With today's economy, and me needing smaller clothes (YAY) all the
time it's wonderful that I have an option to find the items I need for less.
Stamping Trails
Karen 190 (YES I AM)