Well Old Man Winter strikes again! Woke up to 7 inches of snow. All the schools are closed. Wind gusts are really bad. As you can see from this picture. This is my kitchen window which is on the east side of the house. The sliding glass door is also covered with blown snow.
These two pictures were taken through the windows. You can see the flying snow. So windy the window panes are rattling. Looks like I'll be cabin bound for a few days. Glad I got out yesterday and did all my running around.
Thanks Connie for making me this obscure holiday card. February 21st is the start of the Rio Carnival in Brazil. Wish I was there. I'm sure its lots warmer and no snow!!!
Nice job Connie...I really love the colors.
Next card from Kathy. Love this one too! So very pretty with great ribbon placement.
Well I guess I'll be doing some house work today, and get some stamping in. Looks like it will be a very long day!!!!
Stamping Trails
Karen 202
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