Welcome to Krafting with Karen. I love Shabby Chic, Collage, and Eclectic designs. Right now I'm in love with dolls. Looking forward to sharing stamping tricks and tips with fellow crafters.

Monday, December 31, 2012
More Gifts
Well I didn't think I would get a Barbie doll this year. Sarah has picked up for my brother Tony in getting me a new Barbie for Christmas each year. This year I told her not to get family gifts as I know its been hard for her with the new house and just last month her car broke down which was another expense. She surprised me anyway with a new Autumn in Paris Barbie. She is so pretty and just matches the design for the boxes that Kat got me.
My friends really did spoil me this year! BIG Thanks to Kat for getting a matching train case, and nesting boxes that match the sewing box she got me earlier in the year for my birthday. I guess great minds think alike as Sarah and Kat were both thinking the same thing with the Paris theme. Oh and Kat I've already filled up the nesting boxes!
Hubby and me went to the mall and did some walking yesterday afternoon. Then did some grocery store shopping. We did get some more snow but thankfully looks like it has stopped for a bit. Really cold!
I'll be going over to babysit the nieces this morning from 7am to 2pm. SIL really needed a sitter for today. Since I didn't really have plans I told her I'd do it for her.
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy New Year!!!!!
Stamping trails
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Snow, Applesauce Bread, and more Gifts
So after watching the snow fall yesterday morning I decided to make some bread. Didn't have any bananas so banana bread was out. Didn't have any more canned pumpkin, so pumpkin bread was not going to happen. What I did find in the cupboard was a jar of applesauce, some leftover raisins from the oatmeal raisin cookies, and old fashioned oats.
I went online to find an applesauce bread recipe, and came up with a great loaf of bread. Of course I tweaked the ingredients a bit. I'll post the recipe first, then I'll post what used.
Oatmeal Applesauce Bread
2 eggs
1 cup applesauce
1/2 vegetable oil
2/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 cup quick oats
3/4 cup raisins
heat oven 350. Mix all ingredients together in large bowl. Pour into loaf pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray. Bake for 50 to 60 minutes.
What I changed
no oil. Used 2 cups of un-sweetened applesauce. Added 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon. Love cinnamon. Didn't have quick cooking oats so I took the old fashioned oats that I did have on hand and used the food processor to chop them down. That is all quick cooking oats is anyway just whole oats that have been processed more.
I must say it came out very moist. Even hubby liked it.
Got some great sewn gifts from my friend Connie. This is a pincushion that has a trash bag attached to it. Bottom of the pincushion has non slip stuff on it so it stays firmly in place. Bag has a little pouch to hold my scissors.
She also made a matching sewing machine cover. I really needed one!
This little dress form needle case is just darling!!!! Showed it to Sarah on Christmas and of now she wants me to make her one.
Inside the dress form. Needles are held in place on felt.
BIG THANKS Connie! Love my gifts!!!
Stamping trails
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Bee Mine
So for a change of pace I thought I'd use some new stuff to make a Valentine card. This one uses the new Hexagon folder. The folder is in the new mini catalog which you will be able to purchase from soon. I used several punches to make the bee. The body is the ornament punch, head 3/4 circle punch, wings small oval punch, stripes on body large oval punch. For the wings I used brushed silver cardstock that I embossed with a new Sale a Bration folder. I thought the vines on the folder looked like wings. The word was printed on Old Olive cardstock with the use of Microsoft word and the printer. Such a fun card to make!
Still sharing some of the great Christmas gifts I received this season. Kat got me this awesome ArtBin to use with my Spellbinders. The box came with 3 magnetic sheets, but she also got me two more packs. Big thanks Kat!
I'll be sharing some more great stuff tomorrow.
Stamping trails
Friday, December 28, 2012
The Rest of the CD's
I was going through some pictures in my files and realized that I didn't share the rest of the CD calendar with you.
Of course September is my favorite month (I know its the birthday month), but I like when my friend does quilling. So pretty!
Thanks again Marianne.
I got some Jo Ann's gift cards for Christmas so I'm going to do some shopping this morning. Going to be sunny and 32 today, but then its going to start snowing again tomorrow so I thought I better get my running around done today. Haven't been out of the house since Christmas day and I'm beginning to get cabin fever.
Stamping trails
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Madness, and just Silly
I was so busy opening up the package of stamping goodies that I really didn't pay attention to the tag. Of course I made the tag for him, and yesterday morning I saw it among the other torn and ripped wrapping paper. I really laughed when I read it. Now I always thought that hubby supported my addiction....I mean stamping hobby. When I questioned him he said he was not referring to my stamps, but the Christmas season in general with all the gift buying, wrapping, and running around. I however have my doubts about this. I promptly told him my madness would never end and she who dies with the most stamps wins.
My friend Kat sent Sarah a large box filled with two boxes of hand stamped cards, and also a set of the handmade ornaments that I posted yesterday. This is a pic of her talking to Kat on the phone while opening up the gifts. Now Kat had told me that she padded the box with wrapping paper that she no longer thought she'd use........
As Sarah was pulling out the wrapping paper Jason was smoothing it out to make a blanket. He must have been feeling silly that day as he also made a hat with it.LOL
We got hit with a lot of snow yesterday. Got about 6 inches with some more on the way. Glad I don't have to go out in it.
I did something yesterday that I never do the day after Christmas...I took the tree down. I normally leave it up till the day before New Year, but for some reason I wanted to take it down early this year.
Stamping trails
My friend Kat sent Sarah a large box filled with two boxes of hand stamped cards, and also a set of the handmade ornaments that I posted yesterday. This is a pic of her talking to Kat on the phone while opening up the gifts. Now Kat had told me that she padded the box with wrapping paper that she no longer thought she'd use........
As Sarah was pulling out the wrapping paper Jason was smoothing it out to make a blanket. He must have been feeling silly that day as he also made a hat with it.LOL
We got hit with a lot of snow yesterday. Got about 6 inches with some more on the way. Glad I don't have to go out in it.
I did something yesterday that I never do the day after Christmas...I took the tree down. I normally leave it up till the day before New Year, but for some reason I wanted to take it down early this year.
Stamping trails
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Christmas Came and Went...I was Spoiled
Well I was very spoiled on Christmas. Hubby let me pick out 300+ dollars of SU stuff from the new mini catalog. Looking forward to playing with new stuff today.
My friends really spoiled me. Thanks so much!!!! I'll be posting more pictures of goodies tomorrow from them. Until then enjoy these great ornaments that Kat made me.
Charlie Brown face....and his shirt.
Little Cindy Lou Who...who was no more than two......This is great as it goes with the Grinch ornament Kat made a few years back.
And a little lamb. Love the face and the top knot on its head. Just too darn cute!!!!!
Stamping trails
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
We spent Christmas Eve at Skip's sister's home. Had a wonderful time, and didn't get home till midnight. This is a pic of us on Lisa's staircase. John couldn't come as he was working.
Me and Sarah in front of the fireplace.
I'll post more pictures tomorrow but at the time I'm writing this its 2 am and I'm tired. How is Santa ever suppose to get to my house if I'm still awake?
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Stamping trails
Monday, December 24, 2012
Busy Day
Hubby, John, and me went to see the Hobbit yesterday morning. Long movie but it was very good! Still can't believe they are making three movies from the smallest book in the saga.
Later in the day my nephews Corbet, and Neil came over to visit. We played bored games and cards while watching The Two Towers, and the Return of the King. Had a great time!
Still cold here, but the snow has stopped. I got all the cookies baked and the Kitchen Aid put away. Later today I'll need to make a casserole to take to SIL for Christmas Eve dinner. We also need to pick up Grandma Katie on the way. Sad that John won't be joining us as he is working Christmas Eve. Sarah and Jason are joining us.
Happy birthday to Grandma Katie. She is a Christmas Eve baby, and is 79 today.
Wishing everyone a great Christmas.
Stamping trails
Later in the day my nephews Corbet, and Neil came over to visit. We played bored games and cards while watching The Two Towers, and the Return of the King. Had a great time!
Still cold here, but the snow has stopped. I got all the cookies baked and the Kitchen Aid put away. Later today I'll need to make a casserole to take to SIL for Christmas Eve dinner. We also need to pick up Grandma Katie on the way. Sad that John won't be joining us as he is working Christmas Eve. Sarah and Jason are joining us.
Happy birthday to Grandma Katie. She is a Christmas Eve baby, and is 79 today.
Wishing everyone a great Christmas.
Stamping trails
Sunday, December 23, 2012
On the 23rd day of Christmas
On the 23rd day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....a cute birthday card.Very nice cupcake card.I like how the designer use the top note die on the front, and that is the part that opens up to the inside.
Inside view
I made rum soaked chocolate covered cherries yesterday. Pretty easy to make.
1 jar maraschino cherries with stems
1 4oz bittersweet baking chocolate bar (I used a dark chocolate bar)
1 tsp shortening
1/2 rum
Drain the cherries but in bowl and cover with 1/2 rum. Cover and refridgeate overnight Chop the chocolate bar. Put the chocolate and shortening in a bowl melt in the microwave. Drain the cherries and pat them dry. Dip the cherries in the chocolate by the stems and put on wax paper to set.
Burbank went out yesterday morning as it had stopped snowing, but he didn't stay out long. He doesn't like the snow at all. This is him banging on the front door to get back in.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
On the 22nd day of Christmas
On the 22nd day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....a snowman stamped on white canvas. This is really cool! I never thought about stamping on canvas before then adding color. In the new Spring mini catalog there are sheets of canvas that you can buy to stamp on. Eager to try it out. The swapper also sent in the same gift bag a nail file. Like the way she added a topper with a scallop circle. The gingerbread man is embossed.
I woke up to snow yesterday morning, but at least the world didn't end. This picture was taken at 8 pm from my front door last night. We are suppose to get 5 inches.
View from the back about the same time. So happy we are going to have a white Christmas this year.
I didn't go out at all yesterday. I spent the afternoon baking cookies and happy to say they are all finished. YAY.
Today I'll be getting hubby to drive me around to a few stores. Need to stop at Hallo's paper store to pick up more envelopes. Going to give the SIL some cards for Christmas gifts. I'm also thinking about going to Joann's.
Stamping trails
Friday, December 21, 2012
On the 21st day of Christmas
On the 21st day of Christmas a swapper gave to me.... post it note holder. This is cute. Purse size, just right for jotting down those Christmas gift ideas.
Side view.
So I wasn't going to open any gifts from my friends till Christmas, but Marianne really wanted me to, and since the world is suppose to end today I thought I should open some of the gifts:)
This is so nice! I'll be posting more pictures of the other months soon so you can see them. She took CD's covered them with designer paper (on both sides), and decorated each month. They sit upright on a plate holder. Love them all, and the really nice part is that she also made a little carrier to hold them all in.
She also decorated an index file holder. Really like this one. I'll be able to put down all my dates....maybe then I'll remember birthdays and anniversaries. Big thanks Marianne!!!!!!
Stamping trails
Thursday, December 20, 2012
On the 20th day of Christmas
On the 20th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....a flower gift box with some velum tags.
Velum tags that were inside the box.
Spent a nice afternoon with MIL Katie yesterday. Took her to her doctor appointment and she got back great test results. So she is doing great. Afterward we got lunch at Panera Bread, then just spent the rest of the afternoon chatting and looking at photos. This morning I'm making magic bars, then I'll be off to babysit the nieces. Today is the last day I'll be watching them till January 7th.
Stamping trails
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
On the 19th day of Christmas
On the 19th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....a clipboard key chain with a matching pen. How cute is this? The clipboard was painted black then words written with white paint to make it look like a chalk board. Love it!
While shopping at Big Lots with Sarah on Monday I came across this battery operated desk clock that looks like a old timey alarm clock. Had to have it for the sewing room. After Kat gave me the vintage Paris sewing kit (for birthday), and the matching train case for Christmas...well it was just calling my name how could I not get it?
On Sunday I was working on these little hand warmers. So easy using 5x5 squares of fabric, and 5x5 squares of flannel for the inside. Filled with about 3/4 cup of rice they can be heated in the microwave for 45 seconds then slipped into coat pockets to keep hands toasty warm. They can also be popped in the freezer and used when cold is needed for sore muscles. Going to give some of them away as gifts to the family and of course I'll keep a few sets for home.
Going to be taking MIL Katie to her doctor appointment this afternoon, then I'll spend some more time visiting with her. After that its home to start making more cookies.
Stamping trails
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
On the 18th day of Christmas
On the 18th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....a hot chocolate package, and tea in designer paper.
Love how the candy cane stirring stick has lots of chocolate on one end.
I got a nice surprise in the mail yesterday morning. Thanks Marianne! She made this beautiful easel card. Tree is stamped on velum an is lit with a flameless tea light candle. Just stunning!
She also made these fun Mad Hatter hat ornaments. Way to cute!!!!
Sarah came over around 9 yesterday morning. We had fun baking lots of cookies. I'm about half way finished with them. Think I'll wait till Friday to do the rest. I won't be babysitting on that day.
Stamping trails
Monday, December 17, 2012
On the 17th day of Christmas
On the 16th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me...some nice little snowman kisses. What a cute little stocking stuffer these would make.
Looks like the snowman was printed out using digital software.
I got some of the cookies made. At least I did something! Also went over to visit mom in law Kate. Her car battery died so Skip needed to replace it for her. Stopped at Joann's and picked up some knit fabric. Going to make something Lilly a little something for her American Girl doll.
Stamping trails
Sunday, December 16, 2012
On the 16th day of Christmas
On the 16th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me...some antibacterial liquid wrapped in cardstock.
Side view of the holder.
Remember the potato chip cookies I was writing about last week? Well I finished them up. The cookies were packaged in zip-lock baggies then put into empty potato chip bags. I looked everywhere for little chip clips to close the tops of the bag, but was unable to find any. I settled on large paper clips with a piece of ribbon.
Okay now for the recipe in case you want to make some.
Potato Chip Cookies (recipe by Paula Deen)
4 sticks of butter softened1 cup sugar
3 1/4 cups flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 1/2 cups coarsely crushed potato chips
1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
Heat oven to 300
Cream the butter and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Slowly blend in flour and vanilla. Add crushed potato chips and mix well. Drop by rounded teaspoon on un-greased cookie sheet. Use a fork to flatten each cookie. (use flour on the fork to keep it from sticking to the cookie) Bake 18-20 minutes or until lightly brown around the edges. Remove to wire rack to cool. Sprinkle with confectioners sugar.
Stamping trails
Saturday, December 15, 2012
On the 15th day of Christmas + Blog Hop
Welcome to the SUStars Holiday/Winter Blog Hop
You may have arrived to my blog from Michele's great blog
For my part of the this blog I decided to play with some new toys that are in the Occasions mini catalog. Designer paper Be of Good Cheer used for the dress. Framelits Dress Up set used to create the dress form stand and to cut out the dress. Large scallop circle die for the base of the ornament. Since doilies are also trendy now I layered the completed dress form on one that I sponged with Crumb Cake ink. Then layered that on Gumball Green. Always in Style word is from a retired SU stamp set. Added some pearls and lace trim to spruce the dress up. I also added a bit of lace at her bodice. The designer paper dress was given some height against the dress form using pop dots. Oh and I had to add one of those pretty clear faceted buttons at the waist.
And now moving on to the Christmas swap......
On the 15th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me...I very pretty desk calendar. Love the CD case desk calendar.
Hope you enjoyed my post today. Please continue on to the next blog in the SU Stars hop.
The ever talented Denise is up next.
Stamping trails
Friday, December 14, 2012
On the 14th day of Christmas
On the 14th day of Christmas a swapper gave to me....four fun Christmas cards. Just love the shape and design on all these cute cards!!!!
My squirrels were begging for nuts this morning. The large brown one really knows how to beg, and get to the dinner table first. See the little squirrel on the ground? He has to wait his turn.
Now if I can only get them to bus their table after they are finished eating!
Made another Christmas card using the Hexagon embossing folder. Just love this folder! Looking forward to making more!
Feeling much better after getting some much needed sleep. The knees are feeling good! Lets hope they stay that way for a while.
Stamping trails
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