Sunday, May 14, 2017

Happy Mother's Day from my Flower Bed

Happy Mother's Day! 

No craft stuff to post today. 

Even though I spent most of yesterday crafting away! 

Since its Mother's Day we need flowers so I'm 

sharing my front flower bed. 

The rhododendrons are just starting to bloom. 

I'm sure in another few days they will full. 

We have two of them, and they are both purple. 

The hostas plants are looking great! 

Day lilies are coming in nice, but won't bloom till June. 

I'm not sure what type of lilies these are, but they have large

blooms and get pretty tall. 

The kids are taking me to the movies today. Should be a fun time. 

Most likely go out for food at some point. I'm thinking Wild Fusion. 

Oh yeah! My type of Mother's day where I don't have to cook. 

To all the mom's out there hope you have a wonderful day. 

I always get sad this time of the year as my mom passed away a few

days after Mother's day. Miss you mom! 

Stamping trails

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