Wednesday, June 14, 2017


So how many other husbands out there

go for a walk, and pick wild daisies to bring home to 

their wife? 

Well that is what my hubby did the other day. I thought that

was very sweet of him. 

I did some light housework, and weeding yesterday. 

It was hot, but I still managed to get out and get a little

work done in the yard. 

I also started another craft project, but its not finished yet, so can't 

share it yet. 

We had some excited in the neighborhood night before last. 

There was a suspect standoff one street over from our house. 

He gave himself up 9 hours later. He was armed and I was 

worrying about flying bullets, but thankfully there was no shots fired. 

He doesn't live in our area, but was staying with a friend.

They suspect him of killing 5 people. Scary. 

I'm taking a trip to Pat Catan's today. Now doesn't that sound like 

fun. I so need a shopping adventure! 

Stamping trails

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