Monday, October 9, 2017

Mailable Monday #214....Along Came a Spider

Okay so I'm doing some stamping yesterday afternoon.

Just minding my own business, and in my own space right.....

Well along comes this big black spider running right across my 

desk. So I scream and jump up, the spider

goes hurrying away from the crazy lady screaming at

the top of her lungs. 

Well you know where I'm going with this....after I got hubby

to thoroughly search the area for the beast (which I might add to no avail) 
I came back after an hour or so, and with a very watchful eye I created today's card. 
My skin is still crawling as I'm typing this post. So I'm going to end this post, and
scurry out the room before the eight legged freak comes back. 
Creepy crawly trails

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