Just wanted to share a few more pics from my visit with Kat and her mom earlier this week. Kat's mom Rosie said cats didn't like her. Not the case with my cat Burbank. He jumped right up on her like she was his best friend. I think Rosie was a bit surprised!
Here all of us are looking at the doll clothes I've been making for the 5 inch dolls. Kat said they were pretty on the blog but even more pretty looking at them most closely.
Just found out Mom is not doing so good again. Her white blood count is up again. She doesn't have a fever so they are puzzled as to why the count is up so much. They are going to x-ray her chest and check to see if she might have pneumonia. She is also giving the nurses a hard time about taking all her meds. Since she has been on antibiotics for 5 days now they don't want to keep her on them if they can't find out the cause. Prayers are still needed.
Stamping Trails
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