So sorry I've been neglecting you! My hubby has been working day shift since the schools are out for the holiday, and he has been on the computer non stop! I think I'm going to have to start setting the timer and when it goes off.....he signs off!!! LOL
I worked on some last minute Christmas gifts. I found these get post it note holders at Pat Catan. Back during the summer they were having a clearance. You could fill up a check out bag up to the top for 5 dollars! I got some great stuff. Anyway I stocked up on the post it notes. I knew I could decorate the cover and use them for gifts.

The inside of these holders have post it notes and the post it flags. Of course I made one for me!!!
On Friday my Supervisor gave me this Christmas card. He drew it himself. I thought it was pretty darn cute so I wanted to post it on the blog. He drew different cards for all of us. Mine was the stamp cause he knows how much I love to rubber stamp.

Today it was 52 degrees out so me and hubby went out to the lake and did some walking. It was really a treat to be able to get some air and exercise at the end of December. Of course the temps are dropping tonight, but they are not expecting a White Christmas here in Ohio.
Made a ton of cookies. I just finished up at 10:30 pm. Still have some more batches to do, but they are going to have to wait till tomorrow.
I also got a star named after my brother Tony. His star is in the constellation Draco. (the dragon) I have a great dragon rubber stamp so I'm planning to do some stamping on the document then frame it. I'm going to give it to my nephews for Christmas. It's going to be a few days late, that's okay.
Well I need to sign off as it's getting late. Hoping I'll be able to squeeze my computer time in. Have a great weekend!
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