Hi everyone. Just wanted to share that I got on the scale this morning and lost 2 pounds! So happy to see that scale moving down. I'm one pound away from the weight I was when I had my first child. Lets see....that was 26 years ago. WOW. After I had my daughter the weight just kept going up. Should have done something about it years ago. Had I only known about Weight Watchers I would have. I've been on many diets during the last 26 years nothing worked. Take it from me....if you really want to lose weight the only sure way is to take in fewer calories than your burning. Diet and Exercise is the way to go.
I thought you would get a kick out of this pic of me. This dress is from the 80's. Lord only knows why I kept it. I use to call it my Mae West dress. I'm pretty darn curvy in it. LOL Anyway I can fit into it again. I'm tickled about that. Even though the dress is way out of style, and no way would I wear it out in public. Enjoy. Please feel free to comment on this pic love to hear your thoughts.
To a Thinner Me
Karen 211
To a Thinner Me
Karen 211
Congrats, Karen, I am so happy for you!! Doesn't it feel great!
Serious Karen - YOU LOOK GREAT!! Oh, and I love the dress too (even though it looks big on you) - but I'm a woman who LIVED and LOVED the 80's!!
Awesome Job you look wonderful!!!!!
You look Fantastic Karen. Feels so good to see those extra pounds and inches go doesn't it? I loved that feeling.
Angel hugs
WOOOHOOOOO Way to go Karen!!! Your looking Good!
Way to Goooooooo Karen!!! You look great even in an 80's dress!!! Keep up the great work!!!
Congrats Karen! you look Great!
Goodness, Karen! You are amazing! Great job sticking with this new life of yours! :o)
Congratulations Karen! You are beautiful!
Congratulations Karen! You are beautiful!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am soooo PROUD of you and you look AWESOME!!!! Can't wait till you come for your visit and I get a new pic of you to hang in my craft room!! I guess this summer when I clean out my closet you and Lisa will have to fight over the clothes. Your motavation moves me to tears!!! God, I'm proud of you!! Love, Kat
You look fantastic! Congrats to you!
Karen you are doing so good with your diet. As I am a fairly new reader I do not know how much you have lost toal but I can see the difference just in this pix and the one of you at your desk here. I too am trying to lose some weight and have managed to get off about 25 pounds over the last few months. However, I have a lot more to go.
Karen, you look great! I'll guess you feel good, too. How fun to wear a dress you've kept all these years. Congratulations on your continuing efforts and your success!
Karen you look great! You know the 80's are coming back again!
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