Thanks to all who have visited my blog over the past three months. Been having fun posting, and designing artwork for it. To earn a chance to win the Blog Candy just post a comment on this and share one of your holiday traditions. One of ours is putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving and the Christmas countdown mouse. I bought it from Avon when Sarah was a baby. Every year it goes up. The mouse lives in 24 pockets, everyday it gets moved to a new one and there is candy waiting. The kids are 25 and 19 and they still look for the countdown mouse. Another tradition is the ceramic Santa. My mom got is as a gift when I was little. He has a large open toy bag that I put candy canes in. He makes his appearance on Thanksgiving Day.
Blog Candy: Snowman Cuttlebug folder, peppermint candy, spool of gold ribbon, dry embossing tools, Bling! brads, card, ornament stamp, red package of twill tape.
Winner will be selected at random on Sunday the 25th. This post will stay at the top till the drawing. Scroll down to see new posts.
Good Luck!!!
My favorite Christmas tradition was when the kids were little. We would spend Christmas day with dh's family, so we would spend Christmas eve with my sister. The kids were excited yet bored... so we had a birthday party for Jesus. Cake, ice cream and gifts. They always got coloring books, new crayons and games they could play together. It kept them busy and kept us sane.
Now that the kids are grown, they do this with their kids.
My favorite tradition w/ my own children is making Santa's cookies on Christmas Eve and sprinkling the reindeer food on the lawn before bed that night. I am dreading when my youngest doesn't believe in Santa anymore. The kids just make it so much more special. This year I hope to be starting a new tradition by going caroling. I miss the way Christmas used to be. I hope to perserve some of the 'nice and tradition' parts of Christmas...like Christ. Have a wonderful holiday season and I think I just found a card to CASE. LOL.. yours!
Good morning, Karen. My favorite Christmas tradition now that the kids are almost grown, is family time. In today's busy life, we very seldom sit down as a family, or with our extended family, something that was taken for granted when I was growing up is now something we do only on special occasions.
Good morning, Karen. My favorite Christmas tradition now that the kids are almost grown, is family time. In today's busy life, we very seldom sit down as a family, or with our extended family, something that was taken for granted when I was growing up is now something we do only on special occasions.
One of my favorite traditions is to get an ornament for each child every year. Sometimes it is to mark a special event in their lives other times it is just for fun. When the tree goes up they have their own ornaments to decorate with and when they move out and have their own trees they will have memories and ornaments to bring along to their new home.
One of my favorite Christmas traditions is how we do Christmas morning right now. On Christmas Eve I pre-make a breakfast casserole and put it in the fridge. I get up early on Christmas Morning (nope, the kids do not!) but the casserole in the oven and let it bake. About 20-30 minutes later the kids are usually up (or I've gotten them up) and we go through our stockings. The stockings are my favorite! After stockings we eat breakfast and then come back and open presents. We limit our gifts to 3 to represent the Three Wise Men. If I don't make a cake I either buy a cake or we use cinnamon rolls as our birthday cake for Jesus. We talk about the real meaning of Christmas, read some scripture, and then just hang out for the day. FUN STUFF!!
One of my favorite traditions is being able to open stockings early Christmas morning. We didn't have to wait for my parents to wake up, and we got to eat the chocolates for breakfast! I can't wait to share this with my son. Thanks for the chance and congrats on your 5K mark!
Hi Karen - Thanks for offering blog candy for your 5000th post - way to go btw. A recent tradition for my dh and I (we have no children) is to go looking for a live Christmas tree in a nearby tree farm with dh's brother and family. We started this tradition because we have small cars and no way to get the tree home so bil and sil volunteered their truck. We have fun watching our now 5 year old nephew run from tree to tree "picking" out the best one. Sue-Lynn Bock suelynnsu@gmail.com
OMGoodness, what great blog candy!! Our Thanksgiving tradition is to have chocolate cake!! My birthday falls on or around Thanksgiving (Nov. 24) and so we celebrate it on Thanksgiving each year. Thanks!
Cheryl KVD
My favorite family tradition is on Christmas eve after church we each get to pick out a presents to open and my friends know I am like a big kid who has no patience so I really enjoy that also on Christmas morning we always have my mother-in-laws famous coffee cake so I don't have to cook.
One of our favorite traditons is getting to open one present on Christmas Eve after reading the Christmas story in the Bible. My sons still help me pick out a tree right after Thanksgiving and they are 21 and 23. I hope they will carry on traditions they have had with their children when they are married. Thanks for the question to stir our memories and get us in the mood for Christmas. It is my favorite time of the year. What could be better than celebrating my Savior's birth with family and friends!
oh rats, left a comment and didnt mention the holiday tradition! Ok mine is silly... but I love to *torture* my kids with anticipation before Christmas. I give them clues to a present they might have... sometimes I give them faux clues... sometimes I wrap 'faux' presents... drives them nuts. But its oh so fun!
Kimm BT
WOW Congrats on hitting 5000 already Karen that is awesome!
My favorite tradition is being able to still spend time with my parents. We also always do family games. As we get together with my whole family of 25.
On Christmas day I am like a little kid because I still get up at the crake of dawn, run out to see whats under the tree and then I have to wait for the rest of the family to get up. I can't wait so I walk through the house saying "HO, HO, HO" REAL loud and shaking bells hoping that the kids get up. It usually takes a couple of times but I usually get them up between 5-6am. I'm up between 3-4am! After we open our presents which takes a couple hours because we are really slow and we have to really look at everything and play with it before moving on. We clean up all the wrapping paper and sit around watching "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" and "A Year Without Santa Clause' because that's the one with heat and cold miser in it. The rest of the family usually takes a nap during the movies. I on the other hand have to play with all my new stuff. Then on New Year's Day we have to have sauerkraut for dinner.
I write checks for charities as I dont celebrate any of the winter holidays.
Christmas Eve, we get together with my husband's family, bring lots of games. We then play games with the kids. They enjoy it a lot, even forget about opening up gifts.
Linda Peterson
Happy Thanksgiving! Our favorite tradition is watching the Macy's Parade on Thanksgiving morning! Right now we are anxiously waiting for DH to get home from work and bring us our traditional breakfast...BAGELS! Well, we are in NYC...LOL Have a great day!
right after Christmas we have an elf named Ellie who comes and stays with us until Christmas eve when she goes back with Santa. No one ever see her but she plays little tricks and leaves encouraging notes for the kids. She has been so fun to do every year I think I enjoy coming up with tricks as much as the kids enjoy seeing what Ellie has done.
Christi Shanks
We put the tree up Thanksgiving weekend AFTER a major cleaning....teehee
Congrats on your views~!
What awesome blog candy....how generous...congrads on the success.
I guess my favorite xmas tradition is the drive we take on xmas eve to go around and look at all the outdoor xmas lights and decorations. The kids go with us and it's great...something my husband now, started before we were married with my (our) two oldest daughters. We have added one additional daughter to the group and they all enjoy going...even at 19, 17, & 12. :)
My favorite tradition is our family breakfast. We have the works for b-fast. I love it and the time with the family! Thanks for the chance (I'm hoping for a cb this Christmas!!)
We give my parents a box of candy every year instead of a card....it started as a joke year's ago and they said it sure tasted better than the card's I used to make, so for years now they get candy. They are well into their 80's.
You have a great blog! Each year we decorate the Christmas tree to the music of Charlie Brown's Christmas album. I love it.
Claudia scfranson@charter.net
"Congratulations" on your 5,000+
The children are now grown and married ... but we still continue for all the family to have our traditional Holiday Baking Time.
"Happy Holidays"
Thanks for a chance to WIN your blog candy.
Congratulations on 5K!!! One of many traditions, was at our big Christmas dinners (17 to 25 peeps), you had to crack your cracker open and everyone had to wear their coloured paper hats during the main xmas dinner! Many many fun pictures! Thanks.
Hi Karen! Congratulations on 5000!!!
And thank you for offering blog candy to celebrate :)
This is my first visit to your blog, and I have enjoyed looking around. That story about Kat pie...too cute :)
My holiday tradition: watching "A Christmas Story" (you know, the one about the Daisy Red Ryder Cowboy Carbine BB gun, and the leg lamp) with my family on Christmas Eve.
Our fav Christmas thing is to go to this higher priced seafood buffet on Christmas eve before we head to church, then we come home and open all our presents so we can all sleep late (my baby is 12).
One tradition that I always enjoy is piling in the car and driving around the city looking at all the very best Christmas displays and lights.
My traditions is putting up the Christmas tree after Thanksgiving. Playing Christmas songs and sipping hot cocoa.
A tradition that I had forgot about until now - making hot buttered rum! My hubby and I tried it when we were dating and it was terrible. Every year we've tried perfecting it, and I think we hit it about 10 years ago...so now we just sit back and ENJOY!!!
Am I too late? My favorite tradition is shopping for the little kids for the toy drive at work. Nothing gives me that warm feeling than that. Then I also love all the baking around the holidays....hmm so special!
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