Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Open House at the Nursing Home

The nursing home where my mom lives had an Open House today. It was for Thanksgiving. Last year they had dinner when you could eat with your family member. They changed it this year and served snacks, cake, punch and even wine.

They served stuffed mushrooms, sweet and sour meatballs, cocktail sausage wrapped in pastry, cheese crackers and fruit, tons of different cakes and pies. I had a small glass of wine. Mom looked at the stuffed mushrooms and said slop pigs. I had to control my laughter. Mom still doesn't talk in full sentences. I knew what she meant. Mom having grown up on the farm always said it looks like something you'd slop the hogs with when she didn't like the way a certain food looked.

The people in the photos are aides and supervisors of the home. All were good sports about getting pictures taken. Brenda is an aide that mom just loves said she had her picture taken so many times today, but she smiles through all of them.

I'm just thankful that mom does has good caring people to look out for her.

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