Aren't these Barbie cards cute! They were made by my friend Connie. I should back track a bit. My other friend Lisa bought the stamps, and had the great idea to mail them to us so we could also make cards with them. Hanging my head in shame as I've have the stamps for close to two months and still have not made my cards.
I'm hoping to get to play with the stamps over the weekend. For those who may not know......I collect Barbie dolls. I never use to. Lisa got me hooked when she got me an
Hallmark Barbie doll ornament back in the 90's when I was still living on Guam. A large part of my collect is packed as I don't have enough room in the house to display them, but I do have many of them up in my stamp room going around the top of the walls like a border.

I'll have to take some pictures of the stamp room so I can show you. My space is off the family room in our split level home. It doesn't even have windows and the room when we bought the house was unfinished. Just bare 2 x 4's no drywall. So I got sheets of peg board and did the entire room with it instead of putting up drywall. It's more
serviceable to me this way. I hang up lots of my stamping supplies. Speaking of the stamping room......it's a complete mess! So before I take any pics to share I'm going to have to first find my desk again! Another thing that I'll be doing over the weekend. TGIF!
Lisa and I are having blonde moments.....so this is my test! Hopefully it will work!
Karen....we are having so much grief with all this blogger stuff!!! Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't! We need help!!!
I feel like such a Barbie.
These are great! Love the colours!
This is the first time I've been to your site and already you have sent me on a search. I LOVE Barbie! Now I need, must have, desperately want to find her stamp! Great site...toodles for now...I'm on a mission.......
OK OK I had absolutely no luck in finding the Barbie rubber stamp. Would you please share with me where the stamp came from? anyone??? email me at michelle@butchbowley.com and I will be eternally grateful. thanks
I too, would love to know where to get these Barbie stamps.
Where do I find this Barbie stamp? Please please fill me in!
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