Wednesday, June 17, 2020

8x8 Embellishment Holder

While going through a drawer of misc paper I found 

a few 8x8 paper packs that I got from Archivers. Remember that craft store? 

Since the paper is double sided I thought I could make some embellishment

holders using them. A few days ago I made a holder using a piece of 12x12 paper. 

You can see it here

Pretty easy just to size the holder down. 

Everything used to decorate the cover I found in my scrap bin. 

Here is an inside view. 

There are four pockets that can be filled with misc ephemera. 

I can see myself making many more of these embellishment folders. Would be

great for happy mail for my crafty friends. 

Me and hubby took a walk early this morning. Going to be hot one today, so

we wanted to walk when it was a bit cooler. 

Stamping trails

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